Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Keep very busy, it will fly by very fast. Since you say you are going to graduate, that means you are old enough to get a job, GET ONE! Then you can get MORE new stuff and faster!

Nba 2k8 rookie question?

aight, i know that in nba 2k8 the rookies like Kevin Durant and Greg Oden do good their first seasons,but my question is why do the draftees of the future drafts in the game turn out to be so bad...for example in nba 2k8 you make it to the 2009 draft the first two picks in the draft the following season will only average about 3 ppg ,is there anyway to change that because in reality the first couple picks in the draft usually are way better than that...

Crackly noise during music?

I use a Microsoft Life-Chat LX3000 Headset and it has worked fine for a few months, but now when I listen to music on Itunes or Youtube, I hear a slight crackle. Only during music, normal Youtube videos are fine, which I find weird. Any help is appreciated.

Where did the word "punk" originate from?

It was used prior to the punk movement in the late seventies sometimes to describe a young rebel to society what are the origins of the word?

Christmas Dinner?

What about Prime rib, mashed potatos, green salad and a veggie of your choice. Its easy and will impress all your guests. For appetizers do something like stuffed mushrooms or endive leaves stuffed with a creamy blue cheeseand dessert make it chocolate mousse (again super simple but really good)

How do I get on welfare?

My parents are threatening to kick me out soon and not pay for my lifestyle so I need support until I get a good paying job. I'm just looking for tips of working my way through the system until I get more stabilized.

Convergence of trajectory in autonomous sytem with only one fixed point?

If we have a nonlinear autonomous system: x'=f(x) where x is an n-dimensional vector. If this system only have one fixed point where all its eigenvalues have negative real part. And if all trajectories are bounded (no trajectory will go to infinity). Can we say all trajectories will converge to the only fixed point? Thanks

Jesus did not die. Jesus was not resurrected?

No, but I never underestimate the propensity of people to believe the most absurd nonsense imaginable.

Language question. help please?

I have just tried several internet translations and this one has me stumped--Africaans, Swahili, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, etc. Nothing!

How can I change a .WAV files sample rate to something lower than 22050? I am not good with computers, Help!?

How can I change my WAV files sample rate to something lower than 22050? I dont have realy any programs to do it that I know of and I realy need to find out how to do this, pleeease help and give me in depth steps. Thank you all!

What are some bands like,?

try story of the year, the academy is..., tv on the radio, tokio hotel, shout out louds, shinedown, blaqk audio (an AFI side project band), emery, bloc party, cage the elephant, band of skulls, the bronx, cash cash, coheed and cambria, death from above 1979, framing hanley, incubus, red hot chili peppers, my chemical romance, nofx, piebald, santigold, she wants revenge, social distortion, third eye blind, tokyo police club, does it offend you, yeah?, black kids, vampire weekend, vox jaguars, mgmt, kaiser chiefs, yeah yeah yeahs, the white stripes, spoon, and the new ographers

Alright well i just want to know if this is normal might be a little TMI sorry?

Alright well me and my husband have been bickering back and for the last 2 weeks (im 6 weeks preg) and its mostly due to my crabbyness right now me and hubby had and well he "finished" before me and i didnt get to "finish" which pissed me off more than ever and i was flipping out and said he didnt care about me and stuff (which isnt really how i feel now it was just my hormones talking i think) and told him that he makes me feel like im being used as some toy and tossed away idk i was being really emotional. Well he got up and went and slept on the couch and everytime i kept begging him to come back he told me to shut up!!! which really pissed me off im not that kinda girl to just get told to shut up and sit there and take it he wont talk to me at all. I just dont know he doesnt understand why im being like this i told him its cuz of my hormones but he just doesnt understand how do i make him understand that my hormones are at a lifetime time high right now and im not always in control of my emotions? idk everytime i explain it to him he compares me to his sister when she was preg and how im the only girl that acts like that he keeps upsetting me and doesnt care! and its annoying me to no other.

"How Can I Use My Mikomi Webcam, I Lost The Disc So Big Problem?"?

Brought a MIKOMI WEBCAM from Argos in the UK England, But lost the CD How Else Can I Install it to use the Webcam And IDea's ?????

Is the Robert Anthony vs. Yahoo, Inc. a real cl action lawsuit?

They're offering me a $35 settlement because I was a member of Yahoo Personals at one time. But I have to go to www.anthonysettlement.com and submit my contact information before I can download a claim form.

Argos finder?

can u remember where sheffield mags court is? well its across the road from there or the big co op in town or the old C&A it is opposite there anyway i hope this helps

Brake tag exemption????????

I'm in Louisiana and I heard there were exemptions for certain cars on brake tags but have no idea what they are. I have a 1990 Porsche..do I fit any exemptions?

Cruel Person?

Whoever it was that answered my question so rudely. I am a 26 yrl old mother who damn well knows a hard days work from the time I was sixteen I was working my *** off for my kids but if you have never been or have not been to pine ridge sd then you should keep your f*****g moth shut because you probably have had everything handed to you on a silver platter and I will rephrase my question. I meant I was wondering if anybody knew anyone that could help me with clothing used even and canned goods for donations NOT MONEY. And whoever you are that answered my question so rudely F*** OFF!!! and do not anser my ?'s

What is wrong with obamas healthcare?

The Health Care Bill will show more success when it goes into full effect. If your employed and have Health care and never had a problem, you cannot possibly understand being in that situation.Obama ped this Bill Because he thought it the right to do and will improvement The Public Option or Universal Health Care are criticized because of misinformation and by people with self interest. If Universal Health Care didn't work why do they still have it

Why do the Detroit Red Wings use very aggressive forechecking?

They will literally take RUNS at other players with the puck in the other team's own zone. Why is this?

Qutting smoking! Please Help!!?

Sparhawk is right. If you don't REALLY WANT to quit, it won't work. Buy a pack, take out 3, and throw the rest of the pack into nasty, wet garbage can. Those three are your drinking buddies. Use them wisely.

If people think that islam is not peaceful religion than why it is the fastest growing religion in the world?

and mainly US , UK Australia . and people from united states consider muslims as terrorists its not very old foundation from US christians KLU KLUX KLAN define those events to us, define why malcolm x was isinated ? define why christians call themselves christian as far as i know christ himself never mentioned that christian word.

If I am to transfer military units to go to college, could I declare in-state?

I right now live in Jersey and I want to go to Boulder CO for college. I am a reservist for the U.S. Army and I wanted to know if I put in papers to transfer, would I technically be on orders? So does that mean I can be in-state and pay only in-state tuition?

Hey just asking.?

hey im 19teen and The last time i got it was the 15 of january and now it's march 5. And still has not came yet? is there a nother reason why im not geting it? also me andmy boyfriend had been pulling out . but can you get pregnant if nothing go's in. someone told me about pre?

How do you apply or use MAC makeup?

well ure not gonna look magazine perfect because they are perfected.. and with mac you always wanna go light .. whatever it is because their products are very heavy so .. a little bit of foundation dont go too heavy on the lip gloss.. foundation should be applied where your skin tone is nice and even .. eye shadow and mascara and eyeliner should be put accroding to your outfit .. itf ure out fit is light go dark .. and if your outfit is dark go ligjht

Where can I find KILLER deal on airfare? ?

See if Alaska Airlines has any specials. You can also visit a href="http://www.airfarewatchdog.com" rel="nofollow"http://www.airfarewatchdog.com/a

Why do cons expect the government to regulate gas prices?

When they are out of power they whine about high gas prices, when they are in power they just say "Oh well that's the market" and give more subsidies to oil companies that do NOT lower prices and proceed to whine that liberals wont let them turn America into one giant oil field free and ready to be looted by big oil.

If I get a modest augmentation (like a 34 B) will it be obvious that they are fake?

I want it to look as natural as possible.. also can guys tell they are fake even if it's just a modest enhancement (not like DD's r anything)?

I am so confused && worried && idk what to do... HELP!!?

Okk well I went to a party today cause it was my bestfriends birthday. Well my boyfriend knows that she does **** like weed && bars & he said he didn't want me to do that && I promised him. So my bestfriend grabs my phone and texts my boyfriend say random things && he was like oh your on something what are u on ( I didn't know she had my phone) then she calls him mumbling as if she was high && he thought it was me so he got all mad at me&& he texted me saying "since u can fun with that crap I guess I'm going to have tonight".. He is currently at a party && there is no way to get a hold of him && as soon as I found out about this I texted him right away to tell him what had happend. He is pissed at me && won't answer his calls or texts ... I thought he trusted me && now idk what to do :|

I need Flute help...?

Im not sure how much that is but a good flute is about $700. I have one that I rent for about $20 a month and when you have payed all of it over time you get to keep it.

Should I even be allowed on here if I fold under the pressure of picking best answer?

So many of my contacts and non contacts are soooo funny. How do I choose? I'm normally indecisive...so it's pretty darn hard...

Is My fantasy Novel Worth Publishing?

Wow. That is REALLY long. I didn't read the entire thing, but I can tell that it's good. You should definitely try to get it published.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Do you think this graphing calculator is sufficient for Calculus?

yea a graphing calculator is completely perfect.....it is even too much for calculus...it helps find the max and mins but in calc you are supposed to not need a calculator to find those....in college we could use graphing calculators in cl but on tests and the final, nothing more than a scientific calculator

Help me to understand this??????

Sounds like someone was drunk and trying to write you a heartfelt letter about something that happened between you two. The most I would be able to tell you is this person is not happy with you.

Why are so many people on Yahoo Answers deprived of a sense of humor?

I usually have a great sense of humor, but I've been having a rotten night so it kinda threw my sense of humor out the window....:(

Songs With Deep Meaning?

dude. love the list. if you like that stuff im thinking you should check out the Sick Puppies..they're lyrics are ridiculously intense and deep www.sickpuppies.net

Pregnant Ex... can we be together?

I think if you guys really want to be together, it can totally work. It's just going to be hard. The kid having 2 dads shouldn't be a huge issue. There's a lot of families out there that are blended in several different ways. If you're willing to love her and the baby, I don't see any real reason why you shouldn't be together. If she stays with that guy, she's going to be unhappy. Raising the baby together won't help either. You just need to sit down and have a huge talk with her and see what you can do to make it work. Good luck.

Am a diabetes (DM) patient. Am scheduled for dental surgery (tooth removal) in the next 24hours.?

Am afraid the wound may not heal quickly thereby causing more problems than the holes in the tooth. Please advice me.

Can you really gain profit out of a Ebay Business? With ebay fees etc?

Of course you can make a profit from an EBAY business, but it's not just as simple as selling stuff you can already buy from cash and carry. It's about being unique and offering something that others cannot, or don't. I think ebay has more to offer to those who are prepared to add value. So take a product and make it into something, or add something to it, or make it do something. That's how creative and craft based businesses make so much money (on ebay and beyond). Taking something and reselling it (and just being the middleman) is very easy to do, but you won't ever make very much, unless you manage to negotiate some amazing discounts with suppliers. (and that's what companies like tesco do)

My mom is an alcoholic..................?

al-anon. go to their website. they are a wonderful resource for the families of addicts. you could talk to people who completely understand how you feel and I think that would help you a lot.

Communicate on desire for with husband?

The impression I get from reading your question is that you are overdoing it a bit. OK, you 'need' more than he can give you, and you try to push him into things he is not really interested in. Can't you admit that you are more 'ual' than he is? I'm afraid that in a relationship also takes part in compromising. Good luck!

Credit card ? uk only?

I brought a lawn mower from argos but broought the wrong one the one i ordered was a plastic blade and i need metal, i paid with my credit card but they could only offer me a refund and tthey are going to collect it tomorrow, what i wanted to know is will i be charged when argos put the payment back into my credit card account ?

400mg of caffeine too much?

hi I'm 13 years old 6 1 and 155lb I am gong to the gym and I am supplementing.. One of my supplements that I take before going to the gym gives me 400mg of caffine and some other stuff. I was just wondering if that was too much for me because I think that helped me in working out

I need 2 novels published in US that were censored in some way, anywhere. 1 published b4 70's and 1 after 2000

ok the books have to be published in america 1 before 1970 and 1 after 2000. The censorship could have occurred anywhere in the world, at any point in time, censored by anyone. If you can, in addition to the title, give me the author, year and city of publication, the publishing company, and a website where u got it from. I only want web sources, but you don't need to give me anything except the title if you don't have the info, and your source doesn't need to be web, but if it isn't just don't give me the source. I need this fast, PLEASE!

Legally speaking: Can I throw out [sell?] the stuff my roommate left behind?

If she stated she would not be back she abandoned her stuff. I would say do with it what you want. But that's just me. Call your local police department and ask them whay you could do with it.

Itouch questions??? oh and how was your day?

I think that they get internet the same way cell phones get internet, so they should be able to get it anywhere. To find one that cheap your best bet would probably be to shop online.

Handheld steam cleaners?

are they all created equal? do they work? which do you recommend? i recently bought a steam mop and really like it for the floors so i thought a handheld one for tubs etc. would be great. I found a 1300 watt one for $40 and a 1500 watt one for over $100. Do I really need to pay the extra money for 200 more watts or will the cheaper one work just as well?

Is this guy gay and possibly likes me?

Ok so it's my freshman year in highschool. I am a gay male that doesn't have much luck with finding someone to date. Well this new girl Rebecca came to our school and I had to help her around school naturally we became friends and stuff and I like this on guy but for his and nothing else and I told her everything that has happend before with him bit I also want a guy to like for his person and I would date him after I got to know him. Well I told er this and she is like what about Devin? He's a guy from our math cl and he's kinda cute and she's like I think he's gay and maybe likes you. I talked to Devin one time before Rebecca came and he is nice. Well she asks him if he likes boys or girls on a note and other ppl read it so he doesn't answer. Well after we got back from lunch they somehow got to talk in private and she asks that and he asks if she is friends with me (kinda odd I came to his mind isn't it?) well and she was like yes why? And she says he looked back at me with a "flirty" smile as she says and doesn't say anything and then before we leave he tells her he isn't that way and if I was wanting to know to tell me he would still be friends and talk to me! And then that day on the bus he is infront of her and turns around and says hi and she says hi and then he turns around again and asks if she has my number she says yea and then it's his stop so he gets off. Then the next day nothing happend. Now today she said he said in math he was gonna talk to me did nt say in a good way or bad way. Is there a possiblity he likes me? I mean I would have to get to know him before we dated he's cute and nice from what I can tell. Btw rebcca said before all this she thought he was cause she said he's looked at me in math before and had that "flirty" smile/look. I am trying not to have a major crush on a another stright giy this year and I don't wanna waste me time so what do you think? Btw he was at lunch with this ugly tall red headed guy and walked the circle with him and in the hallway back from lunch That couldn't possibly be his boyfriend? That would be my luck a cute guy likes me but is taken

Please help with sick dog?

I have a 6 month old lhasa-poo who just got sick over the weekend. Sunday evening I noticed he was not eating and vomited a couple times. Thought it might have been a day bug but it is now Tues and he is still not eating and keeps vomiting a yellowish substance. He barely drinks any water and will not eat his food or treats, which is rare since I call him a mini garbage disposal. Also, he is shaking as if he is cold more than usual however he still runs around and wags his tail, just not as often as he used to. I am without my car until the end of the week so I have no way of getting to the vet, in the mean time does anyone have any suggestions on what to do with him as far as feeding, treating? I tried forcing water and chicken broth down his throat so he can have some substance in him but he ends up throwing it up a couple hours later. Please help, thanks in advance.

Theres a foreclosure house for sale? Is this investment opportunity good to go?

Well, first ask her if she can give you a comparable market ysis (CMA) this will tell you what other properties like it are selling for in the area, or even better if it has been appraised recently. Of course you'll have to get it inspected, at your own cost, to really know what has to be fixed, you never really know, maybe the foundation is bad, the whole roof needs to be replaced, and there is extensive termite damage. Whatever needs to be replaced you should be able to tell if the price of the house And all the repairs makes it worth buying. You sound like you wouldn't know how much each repair would cost so be careful even if you ask a professional they can tell you don't know much and will try to rip you off so get at least three estimates for each problem you come across. You can make and LOSE a lot of money in real estate so don't rush into anything, if this one gets away then maybe it is for the best. Plus, most real estate agents are like car salesmen so don't trust every word they say, don't let them rush you or make you feel uncomfortable

Aren't you sick and tired of the bashing?

there is so much resources wasted on political bashing, not to mentions hundreds of billions of dollars, and the partisan Ranchor never seems to end. How much better off would this country be if we spent the same amount of money and time working together to actually get things done ?

Even though I will be a law student, should I get a PharmD or PhD in a chemistry-related field in the future?

As member of the IP Faculty at UNH Law, this could be a long discussion. We have scores of students with advanced degrees in chemistry as well as some PharmD degree holders. One of our PharmD degree holders is glad to communicate with you on your questions. You can email him directly or contact me for more advanced degree holders. Please contact Nathan Newbold at Nathan.Newbold@law.unh.edu. Hope to see you in the Fall. Professor Cavicchi

If the US can fly half way round the world to bomb poor people, why can't they bomb Haiti with food and water?

The port is destroyed, the air strip in too small to be effective and the roads are very severely damaged and blocked. Surely if these people are to survive then immediate aid is crucial, and don't say that air drops would cause chaos, its chaos now. If aid is continually dropped until the situation is stabilised then this will at least give these poor people some chance, at present using the above excuses will not in the long term p for a reason why people have died in large numbers, not from the earthquake but from inaction.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

You wanna know who the first team to knock off the Saints will be?

Much to noone's surprise the Saints are not going 19-0. Nope they're going 18-1. But not the Patriots kind, the cool kind. The one where you actually win a championship (that was a cheap shot at the Pats fans who I know will jump all over this question). Anyway, I predict that the first team to beat them will be the Washington Redskins. Crazy right? you know what's even crazier? I'm serious. They will overlook a fiesty Skins team who always manages to keep it close, and will lose a tough game. Agree? disagree? think I'm weird? Please, share your thoughts on the matter.

What do you want for Christmas?

youre not selfish or anything i didn't get anything last year all i want this year is a new nintindo wii game

Why hasn't Obama done ANYTHING as President yet?

Obama has done many things for this country already. He has sent many troops home from the war, signed a stimulus package, ect. The stem cell research agreement was just signed. You cant expect him to do everything that he promised in a short amount of time like 3 months, because george bush had 8 years *yuck* and didnt do half he promised.

Im trying to find the name of a movie made in the 80's black spider lookin things?

the alien would get inside u and u would become stronger and it was black and had millions of floppy arms and a old man leand over a younger man in the hospital and the spider like alien came out of his mouth and into the younger guys mouth and then he was sittin in a chair tied up and millions of black floppy arms popin out of his arms

Animes like black cat?

Well one that kinda reminds me of it is Soul eater. My favorite anime everrr!! Its really good. It's an actiony one with weapons and guns and scythes and really cool stuff. Good characters, great plot (different from manga) and I suggest you watch it. 51 episodes, dubbed or subbed.

How can there be snow on the equator in Africa? Is it even possible?

The higher you are the colder it is, and in normal conditions the change is 3 Degrees F per 1000 feet. 30 Degrees per 10,000 feet, 60 degrees per 20,000 feet, and 90 Degrees per 30,000 feet. So on a cool day at the Equator, snow would fall on mount Everest sized mountains.

Skin helpppp????????

i recently went to the dermatologist because i thought that i had genital acne. to my surprise i did not, the bumps were just protruding follicles. i have a girlfriend and we have not done anything ual yet. but i know we will sooner or later. im just concerned that when the time comes for she will be turned off by the bumps. am i just paranoid or am i right?

Does online media buying have a negative or positive impact on SEO?

I am looking to buy some advertising space on relevant website for my company. How does that impact search engine optimization? Do those bought links count against you or in favor of you?

Chat problems speedy bingo?

My friend is having problems with her chat in speedy bingo, I am having no problems and we pretty much have the same settings that I can tell. I cannot offer her any advice this time. Any suggestions? can type in chat window on main page, but in bingo window has chat window, can see chat and can see typing bar but when clicks or just starts typing the text box goes away?

Do Doctors Make Too Much Money?

In a capitalist society, one can NEVER make "too much money". You keep what you earn. But there IS a such thing as theft. The medical industry gets away with it everyday thanks to impossible drug costs, dangerous procedures which are over-prescribed, and a bloated system that's been hijacked by insurance companies.

Do you really believe the "moral" reasons for war?

For example, when the president attacked Libya and told the public that it's for democracy, Qhadafi (sic?) is killing thousands of people, etc., so we must intervene and save the people. Do you really believe that's the REAL reason that we are in that conflict? I think it's more for a political agenda (as with all presidents), but that's just me. What do you believe?

So in 1996 the redskins started 7-1 and ended up 8-8 can you explain how?

You answered your own question....Norv Turner. If I remember correctly, they played a soft early schedule unlike this years team.

What can we do to retaliate against far left looney professors?

I live in a highly liberal area and have both liberal and conservative professors just do what they ask in cl p the cl and move on

Beans for nachos?

I'm making nachos for dinner and want to add beans to my taco meat (beef) What are the best kind of beans to get that I can get in a can...

Who was flying higher tonight? A Boeing 747 or Robbie Williams on tonights X Factor?

Man, he was so out of it tonight. Still at least it was uppers he was taking, as he was in a really good mood lol.

Im really sad):....... please answer!!?

before christmas i played on a game on my psp called monster hunter freedom 2, i soon bought mhf1 because my freind didnt have f2, i played on it for ages then saw trailers online for monster hunter portable 2nd g ( its the japaneese version of the update ) i played on that for ages then in the later 2008, i had a long break... when i decided too give the game another try i got my psp out a bag ( were it was safe ) and decided to change the screensaver which is a sticky pice of clear plastic which i change every now and then. but there was lots of sticky stuff left on the screen! i did what i used to and put white spirit on it to get the glue off and it just made it spread! the glue is annoying me and i cant bearly see enything, then i found that and english version off mhp2ndg was out and im really tempted to buy it. please can you help! i cant buy a new psp, so can you give me a cheaper way too help ( but nothing like sending it to someone, unless there in a game shop in hull ) and i would also like advise ( with reasons ) weather to save up for the english mhp2ndg ( monster hunter freedom unite ) or buy oblivion. i only get 10 pounds a weekand i already are in a months "not getting eny pocket money" as it is. p.s: white spirit is not an alcohol.

How come there aren't any race laws against calling Southerners redneck and calling them mean names? Latinos

and Musims are bombarded with protection laws which they are overwhemed with and don't even understand but some folk whose family have lived in the US for centuries are discriminated against because they are Southern and called hillbillies constantly in tv and media, why is this fair?

Who do you think does "it" better??

A Policeman, Fireman, Carpenter, Bricklayer, Military, Electrician or Plumber or your average Joe? Why??? Please connect your answers w/their profession

16 mile spread. the govt of japan advises people to lock themselves in their houses or leave?

Get out is right. That radiation is going to be everywhere. Why don't they leave if there are places for them to go? Elderly , infirmed , afraid of change? Could be a lot of reasons. Some people feel safer staying home even though the sitation is bad. I feel for them. Must be very scary. We can't possibly image how horrible that would be.

In the 7th Harry Potter book, why didn't the ministry ?

Well the whole point of that was they thought that mudbloods & blood traitors were s, they didn't mind half bloods as much as muggles, but from waht i've read i can gather that the pure-bloods pretty much thought they were untouchable so there would be no need for re-population.

How do you search for homes with Google Maps?

I used to use Google Maps in conjunction with other real estate websites to pinpoint where homes were located. Used to. Now, when I type in "Homes for Sale near xxxxx" or "xxxxx homes for sale" I get the locations of real estate businesses instead of homes like I used to. Why did this change, and is there a way to search differently?

?what tv show THEME song do you know all the words to?

i tend to sing a long to 7th heaven, dawsons creek, spongbob, gilmore girls, family matters, full house....just to naame a few

Did God make Cavemen in his own image, seeing as they were here before Adam and Eve?

does that skull belong to the inventor of religion ? I read somewhere it was neanderthal that taught religion to the cro-mags. a star 4 you

Am I a sociopath? More information in details.?

Read the book "The Sociopath Next Door" It does an excellent job of explaining sociopathy. Also, it explains the difference between narcissim and sociopathy.

I need ideas on what food i should have at my sweet 16th party?

see if you can rent a cotton candy machine, those are fun and should attract attention. also, maybe have an ice cream station, with bunches of different toppings like whipped cream, fudge, caramel, candy and cherries.

How do you fit an electric shower?

i have a shower over bath like most do its electric but very old and not working very well anymore. So was thinking about buying a new one from argos but wondering if i can fit it myself?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

What is the best blonde hair dye to use?

I have dark blonder hair that is golden when the sun shines on it but recently, as I've been getting older in my teens it has started going very dark and almost to a brown sort of shade. I have never dyed my hair before and the hairdressers always overprice. I wanted to use a box colour that is not shockingly blonde, but will lighten my hair up and make it lighter. Can anyone recommend any good ones that are also quite easy to use please? Much thanks. x

What paint color should I use in my bathroom?

I'd use a tan with a gray undertone, more of a pale taupe, I'd say. Try some samples on your countertops and floors. Make sure your beige does not have pinkish or yellowish undertones. You'll know the right grouping when you see them. They'll have more of a neutral, gray cast.

How can anyone ever make fun of my grandma's death?

My grandma ped away yesterday. Long story short I feel very heart-broken and i was very close with her. So shortly after I heard the news my one friend called me and she wanted to know if I wanted to go to the mall. I told her what happened about my grandma and people were shouting and i'm guessing her brother. They said really mean things like " who cares about grandmas" "why is she crying" "My grandma ped away and you don't see me crying" and stuff like that. My friend kept saying shut up. But yeah I still feel terrible about this and I am in complete shock. So what do you think about these people? I cant stop crying and I miss her so much. I hate those trashy people and those low lifes. :( Help.

Another Sucky PPV!!??

Well Great American Bash was another crappy PPV! I mean how many times iz John Cena gonna retain the title! Once again all the titles were retained! The hardyz didnt even win!!!!!! God WWE is suckin lately!

What do u think of when u c ppl with these names? part2?

I like Hailey Hope Isabella Jenna Juliet Kathleen Kathryn Katie Keira Kristen Lindsey Lucille Morgan Natasha Sage Sarah Savannah Sophie

Surrogacy for my adopted Mom?

My adoptive mom (not legally adopted seeing as im 23 but shes my mom to me no less) Had a hysterectomy a few years ago and her and husband want another child. We want to do it just between us, her husband making a "donation"; an at home insemination if you will. Now my question is, when I give birth I do not want to be on the birth certificate. This is my adopted parents child not mine. Is this possible to do or are there legal issues in this situation and if so whats the solution?

Pregnancy vasectomies and feeding?

i am feeding my now four month old son, my husband had a vasectomy on june 12, on july 17 we started having unprotected . i still don't have my period. is it still possible for me to get pregnant?

Could Revelation 18 be speaking about the USA turning her back on GOD?

SOme believe the World Trade Center is mentioned, as being on an island and destroyed in 'one hour'.

Periods came 1week early. i spotted for 1day, bled heavy for 1day, then spotted again. now nothing but cramps?

Kinda the same thing is happening to me except I just had what I thought was my period on the 10th of feb then I started cramping and spotting on the 26th and it is now the 28th. It was spotting one day then the next When I went to the bathroom and wiped a couple times it was a bit heavier and now today its back to plain spotting. I tested last month because this happened then as well I spotted for a couple days then tested and came out neg. then a week later got my period. I don't what is going on

Lost my very important emails mistakenly?

I have not deleted my e-mails from my yahoo inbox, but when I opened my yahoo inbox, I did not find, even one of my e-mail in my yahoo inbox, so how can I get my e-mails back, please explain me, if someone knows, how to solve this problem, and get my e-mails back.

Which male public figure are you most tired of hearing about?

Which male public figure are you most tired of hearing about? Justin Bieber - Charlie Sheen - Barack Obama http://www2.select2gether.com/topics/Which-male-public-figure-are-you-most-tired-of-hearing-about-Justin-Bieber-Charlie-Sheen-Barack-Obama-1684056334

Is the EPL Homegrown rule bad news for Barca?

His father and family are with him in London or wherever his is holidaying now... and if I remember my science right that is what is in his DNA not Barcelona. Cesc Fabregas will leave Arsenal at some point of his career but right now, Arsenal have him singed until 2015, this wasn't done with force, this wasn't done with blackmail or tapping up the player. He has a signed contract, as much as those contracts are meaningless these days, Cesc still has not submitted a transfer request, Arsenal do not want to sell. And if you have ever bought something that the seller didn't want to sell you either don't get what you want... or you end up paying a lot more then it is worth to change the mind of the seller to part with what he/she has.

Why does my transmission knock when it shifts to fourth gear?

I have a 2007 Mazda 6, 4-cyl. with an AT. Every time it shifts into 4th gear, I hear/ feel a knock. It only happens in 4th gear. It is a 5 speed AT. Anyone know what it could be and if I can fix it myself since warranty ran out in Jan?

Human Parts: What happens to them after surgery and births?

Most of it is put in the incinerator and burned up. There are cases where fetuses are given to the parents to bury. A lot of body parts are sent to the lab for studies.

Should I go back to see yet another doctor?

Its a secondary infection, as the first dose of antibiotics did not work, the virus became worse. You need at least two more doses of antibiotics possibly three.

60 quid fine and 3 points for no seat belt - what do you think?

Hi. I know this has been out for a while but what do people think of this? I got to speeding tickets in the past (not over by much) and got absolutely no sympathy and alot of grief on this forum. What do people think of the punishment for no seatbelt? Harsh or fair? Does it depend on the cirstances? I.e. pengers in the car (if you're alone and want to die thats your choice??). If cops catch you should they be soft or be zero tolerent? I'd really like the usual bunch who drive at 20mph and roast people for getting speeding tickets to answer this.

Why can't I get over this?

Because you could have been in serious trouble. For a while after that you won't be able to let it go if you really felt bad and guilty. And you're probably just scared and aware in case it happens again. Just take a deep breath and think about other things. Eventually it'll just slip past and be long behind you. But just be careful what you say from now on:)

Having symptoms, but negative?

Any input on this is great! I am 25 and a mother of a 5 year old. My fiance had a vasectomy 6 years ago with his previous wife. Over the past several months, I have been having symptoms of tender ,darkening of my areola, weight gain etc. I have my periods but they are very irregular now, and have ALWAYS been regular to the point i knew day and time I would start and how long it lasted. Now it comes and go, sometimes its spotty the whole time. Well I took a pregnancy test 2 months ago (NEGATIVE) Over the past couple of weeks I have been swollen and puffy, to the point where my fiance notices. But on top of all of this, I have had movement and hardness to my stomach.. I catch myself daily completely stopping what I'm doing to put my hand on my stomach because I feel it. At first I thought it was gas, but now I'm questioning that because I will feel it, and put my hand to where I felt and its hard in that spot. I made an appointment for this past Monday to go to the doctor but I chickened out, because I don't want to look like a idiot because like I said my fiance had a vasectomy and I have had my periods. I have heard of people having periods during pregnancy, and I have heard of women getting pregnant after a vasectomy. But what are the odds of it happening together??? Any advice or comments please.

Have you heard about the additional Super Delegates that Howard Dean just appointed?

They are calling them super-super delegates and they are considering seating the FL delegates. In any case, it seems that they will have the final word in deciding who is the most "electable" candidate against McCain.

Translate Crank That?

Crank that is a dance move. He's talking about his dance he made up. If you see the video you would understand better. think it's on YouTube

What do you think about this sonnet that i wrote?

the only thing is out doesnt rhyme with fried like it should. line 3 only has 9 syllables. and line 9 doesnt make much sense. u just used "the" to add a syllable. try an adjective instead?

Isn't the Sith "Rule of Two" instituted by Darth Bane really STUPID?

I mean, all the Jedi have to do is kill TWO Sith, and the line is extinct!!! Yeah, the Sith may have other allies working with them, but only a Sith lord can train another Sith in the ways of the Dark Side, so if they're all dead... You see the problem? If the Jedi had detected Palpatine at the end of "The Phantom Menace" and killed him, that would've been the end of the Sith, since the only other Sith was Darth Maul (who got killed earlier in the flick)...

How Have Dr. Laura’s First Amendment Rights been Trampled???

She said something stupid and now she is paying the price, she was free to say whatever she wanted and no one from any government agency made any comments at all but the pubic at large found her comments to be over the top and let her know what we thought of them(not much)

Parent Trap?

The one starring Lindsay Lohan was the remake. The original starred 60's Disney child actress Hailey Mills. I love the original. The remake was good too!!

How do you think Ashton Kutcher will replace Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men?

I think that Ashton will end up being a long lost son to Charlie and Charlie with end up having a heart attack and die from finding out he has a son. How do you think Ashton will replace Charlie?

Friday, November 11, 2011

What's the different between drugs and cigarettes?

my x girlfriend smokes two pack of cigarettes a day and one day we had to go to court because he uncle had gotten locked up for beating his girlfriend up. on the way down to the courthouse all my x did was talk about his drug problem and how the drugs did this and how the drugs did that to him. when we get to the courthouse, he was in pretty bad shape and instead of showing compion she criticize him. when we left on the way back home, all she did was talk down about him and l finally lost it and told her. you are no better then your uncle. you smoke two packs of drugs a day and for the last five years all you've talked about was quitting and you still puffing away like it's the thing to do. the only thing different between your drugs and his drugs, yours cheaper and legal but they all are made by man poisons, so before you start knocking your uncle go look in the mirror. if you are a smoker, you are a drug addict so remember that the next time you want to knock someone who has a cocaine or drug problem.

Christians, How do you hasten " unto the coming of the day of God" (KJV)?

How do you understand 2Peter 3:11-13 which reads: Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat! But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells. (NASB)

What is responsible for bradycardia affected in athletes?

Cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate. Athletes hearts are stronger and able to push out more blood per beat (higher stroke volume) than non-athletes. This means that they can have a slower heart rate but same overall cardiac output as a non-athlete. When an athlete begins to exercise and the heart rate increases, they are able to deliver more oxygen more efficiently to peripheral tissues due to the increased stroke volume of their heart.

Tongue blister?

Your friend needs to ask his family doctor to rule out any possibility of something connected to his smoking. I wish him the best of luck>>>>> and I thought you would get a kick out of what an "old wives tale" says it is... he has told a lie and because of that, his tongue is paying for that lie..... Granny

What does repetition mean?

It does mean repeating something. E.g. using the word Romeo + Juliet together alot in the play to get people to understand they're together or somethin :S

If aliens really abduct people...?

If aliens really DO abduct people and run probes on them, do you think that, in fifty years, the aliens have learned anything OTHER THAN that 1 in 10 don't seem to really mind?

What would you do if you were me?

I say move on. Act like you don't care and DO NOT HAVE WITH HIM AGAIN! He doesn't appear to respect you, at least not in front of his friends. That should be enough information for you to stop the fwb relationship. I don't think they work anyway, but if they did, it has to be with someone who respects you! Don't worry about what they think of you anymore, even if you did yell at them.

What's the name of the background song used in The Pink Panther episode "Extinct Pink" ?

a href="http://www.google.co.id/search?q=pink+panther+theme+song&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a" rel="nofollow"http://www.google.co.id/search?q=pink+pa…/a

I am a big xbox 360 gamer and i am thinking about becoming a PC/handheld gamer?

Ok i play Xbox almost everyday, but for the past month or so i have been thinking (ever sense my dad should me Crysis 2) i should swicth to a pc/ handheld gamer i love the pc controls and feel of the gameplay and i love the psps and ds i would sell my xbox and all games to get the 3DS and a game please help i really need to know its a hard descison for me

I think my husband acts like a 1950's dad who agrees?

His parents have seriously harmed him,that's not normal behaviour and i don't think i could stay with such a man. If he beats the children,get them and you to safety.............

Question About Golf - Please Help?

I was at the Exelon Invitational Today which is a fourball tournament which includes Paul Casey, Kenny Perry, Anthony Kim, and Jim Furyk. Its a small tournament but it was fun to watch. Anyway, when golfers are hitting their approach shots, form say 50 yards away, and one person puts it 4 feet away, and then the next person hits that ball, what happens? I know if your putting and it hits the ball its a 2 stroke penalty, but if your far away your not going to mark your ball on the green. I know their is probably a simple answer, but can someone clear this up for me. Thanks a lot

Do you think western society socializes women to be prima donnas?

I think our standard of living is to blame. we have everything that we want. I highly doubt they are encouraging women in Iraq to live the same way.

How do i get a court order?

I was arrested back in September 09 all my medication had been ceased when i got all taken to jail i was charged for transportation possession and a DUI of mj but all my charges were dropped in February 10 i called the narcotics officer at the police station to get my stuff back and he said he wont give me my marijuana back until i get a court order. He is being so difficult why does he have to be so complicated?

Do all the Dancing with the Stars people hang out at the Grove every Monday and Tuesday night?

Last Tuesday, I went and saw American Idol with friends. After, we saw Lance B, Derek Hough, and Shawn Johnson at the Grove. Also, Mark Ballas and Lil Kim were there, but I didn't see them. They probably go there a lot, right, since it's so close to the studio?

If Obama said everyone's vote counts why won't he let Michigan and Florida's vote count or re-vote?

The people did not break the rules. Those in charge, which were republicans changed the dates. And the DNC did finally give their OK to a plan Michigan came up with, but obama sent a four page report as to why he thought it was not legal. obamas names wasn't on MI, but that is because he took his name off. Both names were on the Fl. ballot, and obama even had some of his ads run in Fl. for close to ten days. So why is it not fair to take Fl. at least on how they voted? I guarantee you that if obama had won those states, he would be the one fighting so hard to get their voices heard.. I don't care who wins, I feel that it is unconstitutional to not let the people of those two states have there voices heard. And if obama actually lucks up and gets nomination, then what he is doing now, will hurt him in those two states. They will say if you didn't want us to vote then,we will either not vote or vote for McCain. And if they don't, they should.

Is there an additive i can mix with jp8 to safely run diesel equiptment?

you keep wanting to do this/so put it in there and when the thing blows dont start crying/the answer is get a refinery and do it yourself/sell the excess

Cricket batting help?

When a bowler bowls to me on a full length, I always hit the ball into the ground when playing the drive which stops the ball going far and this slows the ball. I would also like to know how to play a aggressive batting innings and not get out easily while doing so. Thanks to the people who answered.

I plan on reroofing my home it has only one layer of shingles on it now. what is the best way 2 start thisjob?

If you don't know how to do it, or you have no one that could help you that knows how to do it, you need to hire someone that does it for a living or knows how to do it well. This is one of the most important areas of your home, because if it leaks, it will cause a lot of damage that will be very expensive to fix.In the long run you would not be saving anything by doing it yourself if it is not done right. Good luck!

Personal mission statement. Help please...?

I need help writing a mission statement the includes my value's my 3-goals and it has to be what I want to accomplish my 9th grade year. so my value's are my friends and family. and my three goals are to get over my stage fright, maintain a B average or above and p all my TAKs tests. and it needs to start with i will. but i don't know how to write it so can anyone help me?

With Thanksgiving coming up I have to share this with you. Let me know what you think.?

PREGNANT TURKEY STORY: One year at Thanksgiving, my mom went to my sister's house for the traditional feast. Knowing how gullible my sister is, my mom decided to play a trick. She told my sister that she needed something from the store. When my sister left, my mom took the turkey out of the oven, removed the stuffing, stuffed a Cornish hen, inserted it into the turkey, and re-stuffed the turkey. She then placed the bird(s) back in the oven. When it was time for dinner, my sister pulled the turkey out of the oven and proceeded to remove the stuffing. When her serving spoon hit something, she reached in and pulled out the little bird. With a look of total shock on her face, my mother exclaimed: "Patricia, you've cooked a pregnant bird!" At the reality of this horrifying news, my sister started to cry. It took the family two hours to convince her that turkeys lay eggs!!!!!!!! HA HA!

I'm having a really like bad problem like PLEASE help totally in need of it?

Like! O my GOD! girlfriend, you should make your rounds like all night and like just go for it and make out with like both of them! Its new years!

Where are the "in" shops in california that are not in the U.S?

If you drive south down the coast to Newport Beach, visit Fashion Island. It is a GREAT mall to shop at, and all the local residents frequent it. It is also in a really pretty area right by the beach with lots to see and do, so you could make it a day trip. Have fun!

Housing a rabbit with 2 Guinea Pigs?

Congrats on giving the rabbit a home. The rabbit should be fine with the two guinea pigs. They don't notice each other, probably because you just recently made them roommates. They will get use to each other over time. Should anyway. Make sure the pin, or cage, is big enough. One rabbit and 2 guinea, are going to need lots of room. Rabbits don't like tight spaces, accept for a borrow.

Ideas for redoing a bedroom?

Hi. I'm a teen girl, and I'm looking to redo my room. I have decided on the color scheme of green and purple. I've also decided that I want dark wood furniture. But my room is where I spend lots of time, and I want it to be really pretty. I'm musical (I sing and play guitar, piano and cello) and like animals (own a border collie and a Quarter Horse gelding). Does anyone have any ideas of how to make it unique? Or some general tips about redoing a room? Thank you so much in advance(:

Football: California vs Purdue - Who'd win?

This would be an interesting game. Both teams are undefeated. Cal Bears vs Purdue Boilermakers - who'd win?

Can you be under 18 to go into NFl games?

I'm going to the redskins eagles game at fedex field in 2 weeks. only me and my friend wanna go but do i need an adult to get in cuz i'm 13 and any advice on tailgating or other stuff?

What shirt would go with these shorts?

crop tops or a blouse that is what that girl is wearing for that shirt. they have that kind of stuff in forever 21 . wet seal. express, anywhere in those girl stores. white would go with that color.

Where can I get an electric guitar, REALLY cheap?

It doesn't have to be good. I just want something to learn on. Then when I get good enough I'll buy a sweet Les Paul, Strat, or Tele. But can I get like a $50 guitar somewhere? Or cheaper?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Should churches be able to endorse candidates and still be tax exempt?

A fundamental social duty of the church is to balance the government. Religion is essential as a moderating force in society- another checks and balances system. Because of this, and the fact that politics inherently affects religion and churches, I think that yes, they should be allowed to endorse canditates. This is not mixing religion and politics in a bad way, as the church still isn't making the laws. The government should not be able to say that what a church can or cannot preach/endorse- that is the purpose of "separation of church and state"

I know i'm overyzing, but...?

well frm what u said ofcourse he likes you hes just acting all cool and about your friend tell her about you guys when its works out.

What species of reptiles are fairly trainable?

are there any species of reptiles that are trainable? i.e. bearded dragons, monitor lizards, iguanas, turtles, tortoises, crocodilians, etc.? i've seen plenty of these cold-blooded animals be trained but what other reptiles are trainable? if you know of any? and can snakes be trained as well? i've read something online can't remember what it was about someone saying that they've called there pet snake to come to them when called and that when they pat the ground the snake will come up slithering towards them, so i'm uming snakes are trainable and i'm aware that snakes don't have eardrums but have something called a inner-ear or something like that and feels vibrations from the ground and i've also read in a lot of snake books and online that snakes can actually hear a bit of airborne sounds and ground vibrations, so i'm aware of that but what species of reptiles or amphibians are trainable? and i've heard of people potty-training their iguana too!

Have any devout believers ever looked at scientific explanations of how life was created?

They get their "science" from religious websites, who misrepresent the facts. Apparently their deity requires them to lie, while forbidding them to lie. All this leads to madness.

What PSP should I get?

I'm looking to get after seeing the new adverts on the TV and was just looking for a bit of advice on which unit I should buy. There's a new Gen 1 Base Unit for only �60 on Amazon.co.uk and I have seen the new PSP-3000 in the new argos catalogue for �136, is the difference so great that I should pay double for a device I will rarely use?

If income received in the name of minor from r.d. post office a/c be invested in parents ppf a/c to be exempt ?

can minors income received from post office r.d.a/c be invested in parents ppf a/c to avail tax exemption?

Toyota Corolla- starts then dies, low rpms?

Engine Performance problem 2000 Toyota Corolla 4 cyl Front Wheel Drive Automatic 184000 miles i rebuilt the engine set the timing to the right specks and i thought it was the timing but i have already reset the timing about 20 times and i'm still in the same sport where the verblie timing is the dot is facing the exc side they are line up together and the bottom is facing right at zero but the car will start but will not staying running and backfires like the timing is off and the compression is 150 Straight a cross

Celebrities in california?

The writers are on strike in Hollywood, so they were probably all frozen silent trying to remember how to walk and talk on their own.

Winamp bi loi roi hix!!?

Máy mình giờ cái Winamp bị lỗi Error "The memory could not written " rồi cái tắt, ai bít cách trị giúp dùm với

What does it mean when someone has A LOT of aspects in their chart?

Wow! That's a lot of aspects. Just the aspects alone aren't really as significant as the houses those planets reside within. That would tell you more about what's going on in that person's life because, just the aspects listed only tell you somethings going on, not really what's happening because of it. If that made any sense...

Weird questions.....?

Ok so 1. I heard that sleeping with a bra on gives you cancer. Is that true??? I sleep with my bra on EVERY single night because I just feel more comfortable that way. And 2......is it weird to trim ur pube hair? I did...am I the only one? I didn't do that just cuz I wanted to feel ike a kid again, only because long hair down there feels really gross to me. And it just bugs the livin daylights out of me. And last, I started my period...ehh....roughly 2 and a half years ago. And every month when I get it, I feel so uncomfortable and really can't stand it. At gym, I run the mile slowly because I'm scared I might leak, or I'm not as atheltic, and really dread going to ballet cl because you have to stretch your whole body and stuff. Also, I'm really scared because I'm going to a concert {Not saying whos because you might throw not serious answers at me} but I'm going to that concert around the time I usually get my period and I'm really scared I might get it the day I go. I have to travel in the car and stuff and I'm sure I'm going to be jumping up and down. Is there any way I can feel more comfortable about my self? And I tried tampons, but that only made things worst. I really don't know why though! I guess I just don't like the feeling of something being inside of me. I hate tampons. Do you have any advice? About how I can be more comfortable? Please only serious answers. I'd appreciate that.

What kind of permits do you need to film in CA? Orange County specifically.?

Serious answers please. What permits may be needed to start filming on private property in CA? Also whats the legality of filming in in CA?

Do you like the world cup song by dizzee rascal and james cordon?

let it load for 20 seconds or it's jumpy a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no1fyQSBkOY" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no1fyQSBk…/a i like it, catchy.

Please help me figure this out...husband and I have been separated...can't figure out his behavior!?

We'd been talking about it....he actually decided to leave first...in October, our lease was up at the end. He has virtually all but moved on....aside from these bizarre replies to my emails every once in awhile. His friend says he wants nothing to do with me...but he keeps wanting to be on my Myspace as a friend. He won't file...won't call me..anything..but I've found ads on craigslist and yahoo personals. We had a turbulent short marriage..he is very sensitive, and I tend to be more aggressive...he could be somewhat verbally and emotionally abusive. I'm trying to make sense of all this...why doesn't he just file if he doesn't want to be married? Our friends think he's just trying to see what he can get out there...but I really miss him and love him...and want to work on things. Any advice? He's moved back in with his mom for the time being. We're 30. He has a lot of anxiety..and in one call did say he just "didn't want to be married, right now" I know I deserve more..but love him.

Is He a Shy Guy Flirting With Me or Just Being Friendly? 10 pts!!?

heehee funny story, well from my point of view he didn't have to ask why you were holding two purses, he just wanted some excuse to talk to you again. I think he was in to you :)

If Martin Luther King were a Candidate Today, Would the Corporate media marginalize him & call him "Unviable"?

Well the right-wing media would. They would call him a "race hustler" and "rable rouser" just like they did in the 60s.

How should i tell my dad?

okay so I'm 13. I might go out with this boy named devin he's 15. It isn't official yet but I want to know how to tell my dad we're going out. I HATE lying, so that isn't an option, I'm allowed to have a bf and all but my dad will tease me and the other 2 relationships i was in weren't really real. Me and Devin have already kissed and idk if my dad knows or not, cuz it was a a friends house. I plan on having my dad meet devin pretty soon after we go out (if we do) and not hiding him like my other two. I need to tell him as soon as i find out if we're going out or not so if i ask to go to the mall with devin i dont have to make up some lame excuse, and i want to feel comfortable with havning devin come over to my house and not have my dad over my shoulder the whole time, he knows im reliable and trusts me but idk what to tell him or how to bring it up. He was in my myspace last night reading my msgs and read about when i was talking to my friend about asking devin out so i think he knows that much, im mad cuz he invaded my privacy, but i have nothing to hide or anything. i want to know now so if and when we do go out i dont have to worry about it then, should i avoid kissing infront of him?

Speghetti sauce at a fairmont hotel?

The only Ramses restaurants I found were at the Hilton, and not the Fairmont! Perhaps you can contact your favorite Fairmont and check with the restaurant directly. Sometimes they will be willing to part with a favorite recipe.

Ladies......why did he ask this?

i have been casually seeing this guy for 16 months,lets call him mr a.a few weeks back i told him i had met someone else,lets call him mr c.mr a's first reaction to the news was silence then it was like 'ok,right,well congratulations then'.me and mr c had a row.mr a insisted on me telling him everything,listing kindly and attentive answering 'sometimes guys say things they don't mean,i know your hurt but maybe you should call him.'things between me and mr c didn't work out,at the time mr a questioned me on everything as to why it didn't work.then today a few weeks later mr a out of nowhere asked me what was the story with me and mr c,had he been in touch.was mr a jealous that i had met someone else????was he glad it didn't work out????was did he ask if i had heard from him????was he thinking about it????a lot of questions i know but im so confused!!!!thanks in advance xxxxx.

Who would you rather build a team around,Crosby or Ovetchkin?

the great number 8 Ovetchkin) CAPS CAPS! He has very strong leadership and he also is a play maker all the time! He has a fire that burns within and plays like ever game is his last. I never seen so much effort out a of a player. He also is great in his local community of the team he is on and also back home!

Information needed about condoms.?

Latex is better depending on the condom...Searching for the right ones can be hard...Find something that's comfortable like Trojan because they have lubricated and easy to put on. Some have spermicide in in them just in case an accident happen u kno what I mean. Theres Lifestyle condoms there good too.

I need help choosing a necklace!?

i'm traveling to Guadalajara,Mexico this week and they have TONS of stuff .. handmade. i really want a necklace but i'm really indecisive. just with like a little pendant (ex: heart,star,treble clef, etc.) any suggestions?! pics too ;)

When will we have an easy way to deaden hair follicles?

I realize that laser hair removal works pretty well, but it is painful and very expensive. And waxing can cause infections and is only temporary, as are the other methods like shaving and depilatories. Why hasn't someone been able to invent some kind of tropical cream or liquid that kills hair follicles? It's not like you're messing with the sweat glands...we need those.

I just got a very nice '95 Explorer xlt 6 cyl. auto. suv. Quirks?

The only way to tell why the ABS light is on is to retrieve the codes with a scanner and follow the proper diagnostic steps to isolate the concern. As for the metal tubes under the rear seats, they are the extensions that hook together so you can lower the spare tire down from underneath the back of the vehicle. It should tell you in the owner manual how they go together aand work.

Is not going to church because of the "Hypocrites", going to be acceptable with God on judgment day?

I have noticed that many who profess this often remind others how Jesus fellowshipped with sinners when it comes to their situation.They don't want to be judged, but don't mind judging others.Yet when it comes to them fellowshipping with sinners, why don't they practice the same standard that they want in return?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tingly jaw, odd neck, small veins?

I have found that one side of my head will start to tingle when I am severely dehydrated or undernourished. My extremities will clench, and one time my lips wouldn't stop pursing. I suggest you take a minute to sit, drink some water or Gatorade and eat something. Anything potato (or starchy) will bring your blood sugar back up a little faster so grab some chips or french fries and force yourself to eat.

Is bloating normal after having for the first time?

About a week ago I had for the first time with my boyfriend and we used a condom plus he pulled out before he came. The next day I felt fine and was slightly bloated but nothing that would strike as abnormal but the next day the bloating increased as I had a stomach upset. I'm better from that now but the bloating is still there :S I feel no pain, cramping or queasiness; it's just uncomfortable. Now there're slight twinges but I think this is me leading to ovulation...? I don't really know what to think and just want some advice to whether I should get it checked out! Any thoughts would be appreciated, thanks :)

Wow it sux to be an Asian guy in America!?

I tell you what, I'm in my 20s, tall (6 ft), smart, educated (got my Masters) and am for the most part an athletic, decent looking (for Asian) and articulate guy. But boy, I couldn't buy a date if I tried- online or offline. Man, if I was a white guy with the same qualities I had except my race, I would really be happy and dating all the time. Not whining, just trying to share my 20-odd years of experience, living and trying to "date" in America. I don't anticipate marrying, or having kids as long as I live in this country. Oh well. Live with it I guess right?

Criss angel??

he was on tv all summer and fall and then he just stopped.... so does he just premier during fall or what??

Mexican nachos recipe?

Does anyone know the recipe for nachos made with Pillsbury pizza dough, cream chease, bacon, and red/green peppers?

How to improve gas mileage in my scion xb. its an 05 manual.?

I am trying to find way to get more out of my tank of gas on my scion xb. it is a 05 model that is a manual

ANSWER ME!! Which Laptop Is better? PLEASE HELP!! :D?

The Hewlett Packard DV9705 Laptop for the Home and Office. (that would be the one sold by PC World) It has a faster processor by .5 GHZ and that same .5 GHZ could make the laptop overall faster. It doesn't matter whether you are using it for games or not that faster processor will make your whole computer run faster.

HELP!!! Keep losing items, really need your help...?

I'm in an after-school sport [school]year-round, so I usually bring a waterbottle. My mom bought me a nice gray Nalgene one, and I lost it at an away basketball game. I also lost a PAIR OF JEANS (don't ask how, I don't even know) at an away bball game. Just this week I've started track and 2 days ago I LOST MY NEW NALGENE WATERBOTTLE that I bought myself this time. It's so inconveinent and expensive (being in middle school and on the go go go), so what are some healthy habits I can start getting into to KEEP TRACK of my stuff? I'm so desperate and I haven't told my mom yet about the green WB I lost. I'm disappointed in me, and I'm sure she will be too. I'm looking high and low. but still no luck. PLEASE HELP!!! :-(

How do I get flawless skin?

How can I get flawless skin? What regimen should I follow? I have normal skin. All answers are appreciated.

IS it ok to have your first kiss at 13, with your fwb. ( friends with benefits)?

Me and my best guy friend want to be friends with benefits, but we made a promise when we hook up, we would only kiss, and not have until over 16. Is it sad to wrong to have your first kiss with your friends with benefits?

Guys, why play with a girls heart so much?

My ex and i dated for about 3 months and i love him and trusted him so i lost my virginity to him. He just seemed like that perfect person. Then he randomly couldnt do the whole relationship thing and wanted fwb i felt like i was being stabbed in the heart. I just trusted him so much! I then find out he is now back together with his ex who he was with for 2 years but dated years ago. This hurt but i decided i didnt need him and had to to move. I did the whole no contact thing, deleted him off facebook and phone. He contacted me a few times to see how i was doing then he calls me a few nights ago being tipsy and admits he misses everything about me, hanging out with me, my voice. Why is he doing all this while hes still dating her. His girlfriend is also long distance she doesnt live her. Why is he playing with my heart like this? Does he truly miss me or is he going through a rough patch with her and is using me

Can you tell me the summary of the poem the brook !!!!!!!!!!!!?

"the brook" is the autobiography of a small stream. its journey starts from a mysterious place. the poet has drawn an ananology between the life journey of the brook and journey of a man. the poet has made a poignant comment on the transitoriness of the human life as against the eternal existence of the brook. just like the brook, human life also pes through many ups and downs, highs and lows. it has to overcome many impediments, difficulties and struggles in his life. yet, like the brook it must move on towards its culmination that is its ultimate destination.

What are some issues currently affecting Ethiopia?

I would like know things that are happening now like famine, government problems, war - if so with what country. Thanks for the help in advance.

How would an ancient Egyptian or a caveman react if he was shown a piece of 21st century technology?

Any sufficiently advanced technology will be seen as magic by most humans, and those using this technology are likely to be considered gods. Cortez and his men were at first seen as gods by the Aztec and they thought the men & their horses were all one animal. Certainly the ancients & pre 20th century people believed anything they didn't understand to be magic or witchery. That is most likely how religion came to be.

Does this guy like me?

the boy was holding ur hand!i think he likes you but doesnt wanna show it too myuch cuz he dont know if you like him back. if u talk to him about it and see how he really feels it will make things better. and if he is cute and nice og for it. it worked really good for me and my bf for 2 yrs!

In between a onesie and a jumpsuit?

What do you call the one piece outfits with little shorts? They snap at the crotch and have a little bit of leg. My one year old loves them and I can't find any online.

Do I have what it takes looks-wise to get a decent looking girlfriend?

i agree, maybe change the way you dress. you sound sophisticated, so dress like it. everything depends on how you portray yourself. your not a y hunk or anything(no offense) but you are not ugly either. i have confidence that if you treat a woman right and show her that you are smart and will be faithful and great to her, she will like you. not all women or shallow and just think about looks, so i think you will find someone. you should open up your eyes too though. dont just looks at looks or age. you might find someone that you fall in love with who you didnt think of as really good looking at first or who is your age.

I need help with setting up my Car audio system?

I recently purchased Kenwood KDC-X693 HU, KFC-XW1200F 12" shallow sub, Focal Access 165A1 components, Boston Acoustics SL65 coax, Kenwood KAC-8404 4 Channel and KAC-8104D mono amps. First, I wanna ask if this is even a right equipments for my Mini Cooper and secondly, how to set gains and frequencies for perfect sound. I haven't had much experience with car audio or any kind of audio other than Bose already setup systems. I need major help setting this car audio system. I pretty much listen to music very loud so I'm very cautious about blowing speakers.

What do you think of this Pop song?

My grandpa used to say everything that starts with po is poisonous just like pop itself I dislike most pop music =P

How can i get my tutu poofy and i need to know by TOMORROW!?:)?

Ok so i have this bright purple tutu but its just one layer( i bought at sidecca) and i want to make it more poofy but i have no idea how one of my friends told me that hairspray would work but im not sure? I need help and fast!!!:)

Can Somebody Please Help Me With This?

It is fathers birthday. He becomes 36 and mother is 28 years old. Nearly 23 years later Tommy will be 29, his father 58 and mother 51. Only exactly 23 years later father will be 59.

I heard someone say that if you put a plastic ripcord in cold water for a while it will make it longer? Is thi?

I heard someone say that if you put a plastic ripcord in cold water for a while it will make it longer? Is this true?

I am afraid of being in a relationship...why?

Well, we all sucked at everything the first time that we tried anything. Don't you think that other people will understand?

Moon in Cancer male, what is up with the emotional attachment?!?

Yes. Cancer Sun or Moon will do that. You have to be careful when getting involved with Cancer men. Not to say you shouldn't be involved. However, they can first seem very loving and sweet and later they can be possessive and clingy. I was married to a Cancer and when I divorced, well let's just say he will never forgive me. I left him because he was far too possessive and jealous. If you have children with one and divorce, be prepared to fight. Our kids avoid their dad because he's very controlling. So, be careful. Remember OJ Simpson was a Cancer too... "Sometimes" they can be a wolf in sheeps clothing. Too nice, too soon can definitely mean trouble down the road if you want out of the relationship. Best Wishes!

Have details about old Ukraine folk song starts “Hey there under the mountain”, or similar?

I need details about old Ukraine folk song starts “Hey there under the mountain”, or similar. reply carolynyair@gmail.com. Thanks, Yair

Why am I so attracted to a certain scent?

I just love the way my bf smells. When I hug him his neck/chest areas give off a smell that I cant control myself with! It doesnt make me feel anything ual, but I'd say its sensual. I feel warm, happy, content....So I guess what I'm wondering is why this is, is it pheramones I'm getting 'high' off of or what? Does anyone have any links or info on this. Thanks!

You're invited....?

Can ya be there? I dont know what I'm gonna wear. Performance fleece---ooo its fine. Performance fleece? I'll be there at nine. I'm going to go with you as my guest. In Performance Fleece I'll be the best dressed.

Are guys attracted to tomboys?

I consider myself an edgy tomboy. I prefer watching a hockey match over shopping, video games over soap operas, and black over pink. Now don't get me wrong, I do dress like a girl (and I don't talk like a butch) but it seems like all the 16/17 year old boys at my school prefer girly girls (the ones that use "like, omg, and lol" 24/7). So I would like to know if such a boy exists (a boy who prefers football in the mud over shopping at Victoria's Secret).

What did my dream mean *10 points*?

It means that in this decision, your family matters to you, and you want to please them with your choice, especially your grandmother and older sisters (getting them the water) You know Christopher better, which makes the realtionship comfortable, but you are also attracted to Dustin. You feel guilty that you also like Dustin, when you feel like you should be faithful to Christopher. It sounds like you picked Christopher at the end of the other dream. Good job. Dream problem solving!

Having trouble writing music?

I've been playing guitar for over 4 years now, learned by myself, but I haven't written a 'good' song yet! I'm 16 years old btw. If you'd listen to Keith Merrow (search him on youtube), Nevermore, Slayer etc. you'd have a pretty good idea of the music I want to write. But when it get's to complicated riffing like with Keith Merrow and Jeff Loomis/Nevermore, I just can't get the job done! I can write a Slayer type riff kinda easily, but when it gets to the more complicated stuff, like I said, I can't get it done. Is it maybe because I don't know the fretboard well maybe? I mean, without trying to be a ego freak or anything, I am incredibly skilled, and a VERY fast learner compared to everyone I know who plays guitar. For example, my brother has been playing for 9 years, and after playing for 2 years myself I was already better than him, and he is Good! But as I was saying, even though I can play fast and all that, I don't know any music theory, I only know the pentatonic, blues, diminished and harmonic minor scales. And I also don't know many chords and I have no idea what major and minor is, I don't know the keys, and if I manage to write a riff and want to write a solo or chorus over it or something, I don't know where to start, so I have to slowly play up the neck until I find the note that fits into it, and try to work from that. A bunch of stuff like that. Basically, I don't know the fretboard, and I don't know how to learn by myself. Any pointers, or anything at all, that you can say that could help me get better at writing?

What should I wear to a yacht party?

I got invited to go to a Yacht party with some friends but I have no clue what I should wear.....It's at night so i know it's going to get a lil chilly.... Any ideas?

Which comedy bar do Pooh and Pokwang regularly do their gig? Will they have a show on Jan 10, Sat..& where?

I need to take a balikbayan friend to this show. She's a fan of both comedians and she's returning to the US on Jan 14.

Wedding invitations- are these okay?

I do not think that that is appropriate for a wedding. You shouldn't mention lying, stealing or cheating on your wedding invitations. Even if you are following up with some puns, it just isn't a good way to open your invitation. It makes people think that there's a reason why you're mentioning that.....like that you don't really trust each other.

Can someone help me solve this problem? I need help towing a car. the car has no rims or tires on it.?

actually, it has one donut that we found in the trunk. the lug pattern is 5x100mm. I had plenty of wheels and donuts lying around but none fit. Will a junk yard charge a lot for some crappy wheels or donuts? Im trying to scrap the car for the metal so I dont want to spend a whole lot moving the car.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How to handle pressure in university?

Cut back on the number of activities you attend. Try recording your lecture on a digital recorder. This will take the pressure off of you trying to focus. Have a complete physical and blood work done by your PCP to rule out reasons for your chest pain and fatigue. Talk to your parents about the pressure you are feeling. Make an appointment at your university's Counseling Department. Best Wishes.

How do i fight chavs when they keep outnumbering me?

This question just shows how far the ex-sport of boxing as fallen for people to ask things that only kink of relate. You should organize a boxing club and prove you can fight, that is what I would do.

Going to court with a clear lip ring?

Like it or not, greater society have a tendency to view your piercings as a sign that you're counter culture as counter tradition/authority... They shouldn't judge you personally until they know you, but that's being idealistic. The judge may have kids or know kids that are "like" you and may be influenced by that.

Artistic Dessert Contest!!!?

i tried to make a standing Yoda cake for a grooms cake once. didn't work too well, had to do a sheet cake w/ Yoda drawn on it--BORING.......i'd like to see you do that one :o)

Hey guys i m building an all terrain robot, so kinda need a little help!?

yeah you need help but your robot doesn't have a chance... what you need is a good psychiatrist with some creativity for some really strong meds


how do you manage to switch off and achieve deep relaxation and visualisation? any tips as my mind is so busy i just cant seem to achieve it.

Does creating a home theatre with in wall wiring in the basement add to the APPRAISAL value of a home?

Our FHA igned appraiser said no. We made an offer on a 194,000 new home. We offered 225,000 for them to finish the basement with wiring. The appraiser first went in and said it would appraise for 225,000 when the basement was finished. It seemed a little fishy to me that he appraised it exactly at our offer price. We ended up doing some more upgrades and so our actual purchase price was 232,000. The appraiser guy had to go back after it was all done, and he added 3,000 for the dry bar, but no added value for the wiring and insulation, tile or granite counter top in the bathroom. It just doesn't make sense to me, and the lender said the appraiser was really old fashioned and set in his ways. Don't things like having tile instead of linoleum and marble instead of laminate add to the appraisal value of a home? How can this guy say the basement will be worth 31,000 without seeing it, and then only add 3,000 with all of the upgrades when it was finished?

What is the next step after ping TAKS and taking SAT?

Whenever you want really. However a 1200 on the SATs is pretty low: maybe you should study and take it again. And you should practice your essay-writing.

Greek mythology-Who was the boatman in the underworld?

I remember the dead were buried with a coin under their tongues so they could pay him for the journey across the river of the damned or something. But what was the boatman's name? was it Hades? a website reference would be great.

How can my school get away with this?

I received a punishment from my school for being disrespectful to a teacher when she was yelling at me for not turning in my homework and I then asked why she had to yell since I was right next to her and then voiced my opinion about how she was an extremely rude teacher. How can I be punished the 1st Amendment states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech" and the 14 Amendment states "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States" Since I am an American citizen thus giving me my constitutional rights how can the school do this?

What kind of computer programs does a textile designer need? Friend of is going back to work after Mommy years?

A friend of mine had a good career as a textile designer before her daughter was born. That was 13 years ago. Which computer programs will she need to have to get back into the workforce? Thanks.

Should i tell him his girlfriend is cheating?

this girl i go to college with has been with her boyfriend for two years. he is older and has a bmw and works as a professional golfer. she's been sleeping with this ugly boy in the year bellow us and everyone knows about it, which makes it worse. cos they're together all day they kiss in front of us and hold hands, it's just so disrespectful! i mean, if you're gonna cheat at least be discreet! I feel so bad for her boyfriend cos he worships her, but she obviously has no love/respect for him to cheat so openly- she's even told me she doesn't even love this ugly little boy, even though he's madly in love with her. i know she just loves the attention, so should i tell her boyf?? i think he needs to know!

Using pictures of a building in a portfolio piece?

You should be fine. As long as you are the photographer, you can use a photo of a building even if it's well known. Think about how many people have published photos of famous buildings and other constructions like the Golden Gate Bridge, the Empire State Building, the Eiffel Tower and so on. So you are fine.

Poll: Who here is actually going to watch this weekends Pro Bowl?

I never watch the Pro Bowl. This weekend won't be any different. I already have plans to finally go see Avatar this Sunday. That should be a lot more entertaining than the Pro Bowl.

I need Malaysias standpoint on the Thai-Cambodian border dispute or anything else regarding the border dispute

i don't think most malaysians (including me) know or aware there is a dispute going on at the border. thanks for the info.

What kind of Martial Arts did Jackie Chan learn?

I heard that when he was a child that he went to a school called Peking Opera. But does anyone one have any idea on what fighting style (Martial Arts fighting style) he learned? Ex: Bruce Lee learned Jeet Kune Do. Thanks. =)

When you were a kid......?

Well I am a kid lol, I'm thirteen, and my goal in life is to become a musician. Everyone else is like, oh, I wanna be a doctor or a lawyer or a hard complected word that I have no care for, but then I'm like the only one in my cl who wants to become a musician. I play piano/keyboard and acoustic guitar and I'm getting a b for my birthday which is in March so hopefully I'll be good at that lol.

Please Please help..................?

Hi if i went into a shop like.....Argos,extra vision or game stop and asked for an r4 card for the ds.is it illegal??? how much would they be in euros.thanks

Is being an independant webcam model legal in the UK?

i already work with a paying website, i want to know if it is legal off of a registered website doing it by oneself?

Can I use Bottled tears for my dogs Dry eye?

No you can't! If he has a Yellow Discharge coming from his eye, he has an Eye Infection, not Dry Eye. You need to take him to the vet. The vet will put him on Antibiotics to clear the infection up and give him any other medication that the vet thinks he needs. If you don't get this Infection taken care of fast, your dog can lose his sight!

Friend Insults me ALL the time, But I Still Want To Be Friends?

Sounds like your friend is very insecure and is making herself feel better by putting others down. Sit her down where you can talk and be alone (preferably not at school) and tell her whats shes doing and how it makes you feel. Don't mention that it might be because she herself is insecure as she will react negatively. Tell her that you really like her and want to be friends with her but not if she continues to insult you and your other friends. This will make sure she doesn't feel criticised and hopefully she will get the message, she may not even realise she's doing it. If she doesn't listen and carries on doing it take a break from her and she'll soon realise what your worth and that she wants to friends with you more than she wants to criticise you.

Im feeling really down because of something stupid?

I'm not the smartest person in my school, by far, but I've always have a good relationship with teachers and got above average grades, but when prefects were chosen I wasn't on the list (and it's like, half the school that are chosen).There are people who were chosen and they are never in school and some of the have been suspended,im not saying they dont deserve to be one,but if they are on there then why arent I?!, , and I know I shouldn't let this affect me but it does, to know that all my good behaviour and grades have gone unnoticed and unappreciated. How can I make myself feel better? They said they picked them going on who participated in the school sports clubs, I dont have time for that, I do dance everyday straight after school, then do swimming and badminton.

Who thinks Bruce Bowen will miss a game this season?

The ironman has played in something like 450 straight which is ridiculous. You think Pop would have given him some rest before the playoffs in meaningless games. The record is around 900 i think and he wont be getting that

Highlights for dark brown hair?

Ok so i have dark brownish reddish hair and i want highlights in it .Lyke burgundy or something. PLZ DO NOT SAY PINK I WILL NOT TAKE THE CHANCES OF PUTTIN PINK IN MY HAIR

Do you think Erik Spoelstra and Chris Bosh will be the biggest scapegoats if Miami does not win in 2 yrs?

yes because Lebron and Bosh will most likely combine to bring 48-50 points a night with 13 or more ists. Bosh will have to be a better post defender, scoring in the best, and better rebounder or he is gone. Erik's Fanny will be in trouble if the Heat does not make it to the ECF and does not win a ring in 2 years.

The more primal a girl is, the more attractive she is - agree or disagree?

May be an initial attraction but we would soon discover that she is too high a maintenance for a relationship.

How do i memorize this poem over night?

read the first line over and over again in your head for 5 minutes then move to the next line but always say the previous lines with the one your trying to memorize. that how I do it anyways lol.

Does smoking Shisha with 0% tar and 0.5% nicotine cause cancer?

You are right, inhaling anything outside of oxygen is bad. Even atmospheric air contains toxins that are bad. If it is only an issue of 0% tar vs. any other % tar yes your friend is right. 0% tar is better than .01% tar or higher. But, and that is a big but, the bigger picture is your friend is inhaling a toxin. Any toxin has the ability to alter the our cells dynamics, and that is in a nutshell, how cancers start up a mutation/alteration in how the cells grow. So, it seems rather pointless for your friend to say it is healthier this way when they are still inhaling toxins that can cause as much damage. Your friend sounds as if they are just trying to justify a dangerous practice/addiction by throwing the attention onto a mute point.

Was it at one time possible to refer to the Canadian region of Labrador as "the Labrador"?

I read this in a book once, and had never heard it before. While I realise that now, it must be obsolete (as "the Ukraine", "the Gambia", etc., are), was it ever commonly used?

Georgia Speeding Ticket?

Sometimes it takes the officer awhile to turn in the ticket and then it has to be put into the computer. I hope they nail your little with community service and suspend your license. If you were mine, you'd wouldn't drive for a long time. Haven't you ever heard"Speed Kills", and not only that there are worse things than death. Brain damage, paralysis, killing someone else(like little kids) Grow up!

Divorce and last name?

fiance divorced in september. in the divorce she state that she wanted to change her name back to her maiden name, right before the judge granted the divorce he asked if she wanted to changer her name back to her maiden name and she had said yes. now she hasnt changed it and she just got a tattoo (n.j.s) well the s is my fiances last name her maiden name is with a c.. my question is bc she stated in both divorce paper and in the record in court is there anyway we can make her change the name. please no comments other than the yes or no answer and if yes how to do so?

What group of names sounds like the names of rich girls, what group of names sound like working cl girls?

I'd say Group A would be working cl evern though it has Vicotria and Lauren. To be honest, I don't really think names apply anymore to what "cl" someone is.

I want to watch basic instinct?

I want to watch basic instinct because the plot sounds awesome! However I do not want to watch . I've seen a clockwork orange, do you think i could handle basic instinct? im 16 btw

Should I go back into school with shingles?

Shingles itself cannot be spread to others, since it is caused by the second exposure to the virus that causes chicken pox. As long as you are taking your medication and are otherwise healthy enough, you should be fine around other people.

Can i still get credits if i take the developmental cles?

okay, i enrolled in school just to get 15 college credits to go to the army. i also have an ged. the community college told me that i have to take an TSI essment test, and if i fail it, i have to take developmental cles(cles thats not on college level)......great i failed the writing portion by one point and the reading comprehension plus the algebra part by 6 points but did great on arthimetic.....i was suppose to go back to my advisor so he can put me in developmental cles, but i got to upset and i just went home..i plan on going back on monday to talk with him...all i need is credits, i dont want a degree up there, just credits, and i just want to know if i can receive those credits by taking those cles....and i heard they cost....and i got approved for the maximun grants and a few other loans.....will my finianical aid pay for them???

Monday, November 7, 2011

Bar/clubs and hotels in indianapolis?

Okay, i never go to clubs and bars, especially downtown. My wife has been bugging me to take her out on the town dancing, clubbing that sort of thing. So I have a birthday in Nov. so if I am going to do it lets go all out. I am looking for some where to start off slow couple beers at one place, couple shots at the next. Build my courage before we hit the dance clubs(im not a dancer). We are early 20 somethings and would be looking for that sort of crowd. With it being Nov. short walks from here to there would be the best. So what are the best places to go? She (my wife) also mentioned hotels i.e. Hampton Inn, Conrad, Omni, Hilton Gardens, Hyatt. Any suggestions on which would be the best one for location to bars and price? Or any others i didnt mention? Thanks for the help in advance

So Google admits to censorship?

This is sad but i've known this for a while, sometimes i can find shepherds chapel and sometimes i can't like other things. It is still better than other search engines.

Good books for an advanced 13 year old boy?

The Redwall series by Brian Jacques are fantastic books. Seriously when I was your age there was nothing better than reading a Redwall book.

Does Criss Angel do tours in the United States?

Does he do shows like in big arenas or is that just not his style?.I doubt it cuz he's a street illusionist and not a performer in arenas and stuff but i'm not sure.

Was it right that i broke up with him?

See my boyfriend is bipolar, he curses (whatever i dont know how to spell it) to his family when he gets mad or annoyed... and i hate it because he shows no respect... and im scared he will treat me our daughter like that. because he says we need to be hard on them when they misbehave and dont lisin it got me mad the way he was acting and he was being stupid saying crap... we where fighting and i dont know if i did right... would he respect me and not treat me like he treats his family.. i really miss him and i love him so much help please.

Am i the only one who thought dude love was foleys greatest gimmick?

I think it was a great gimmick. It was something he always wanted to do but it didnt fit his image as that type of wrestler (Market Wise). I was glad he was able to pull off some of it when he was in WWE.

Does anyone know of a reliable discount international airfare company?

I have been researching the cheapest way to book the flight I need to Chile in November. I found the exact outbound and inbound flights on different websites, as well as the airline's sight, but doing it from an outside company seems cheaper. I've found the best fare at cheapoair.com, but googled them and found the feedback on them to be about 90% complaints. I need good advice of REAL and RELIABLE companies to check out. Thanks!

HI , how can i play Age of empires online with other ppl!!?

Obviously you have to own the game to be able to play online, and the game has a built in multiplayer...

I like this one guy that is jewish, and I know nothing about his religion....any handy facts anyone?

my recommendation is to just not bring up religion with him. He won't be any different from other people just because he's Jewish or anything like that. And no, there is nothing wrong with loving someone who doesn't share your religion (or lack thereof).

What types of commodities are moved in and out of the USA?

a href="http://www.bts.gov/publications/commodity_flow_survey/2002/united_states/html/table_b_10_a.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.bts.gov/publications/commodit…/a

If I invest in day trading and I am shrewd and I make some profits at it, what tax events can I expect from th

at? If I buy stocks with a Roth account through Scottrade, will all proceeds be untaxable from that trading with the Roth accounts? If I trade with money that is not Roth and this is my only earnings for a year, are they considered to be wages and tips so that if I make money from this I could then buy Roths each year from those taxable proceeds? And what would my occupation be on my income tax return doing this?

Why are presidential elections so expensive, Obama raised 31 Million dollars in May and that was a down month?

that was one of his lowest fundraising efforts, what exactly are they spending all these millions of dollars on

What type of pickup does David Gilmour have in the bridge position of that black strat he plays?

Not the "David Gilmour signature series" strats that Fender makes, but the actual one that Gilmour plays? Please cite references, if possible. OR, what type of single-coil strat pickup could closely approximate the tone he gets?

Europe. Please name the positives on living in Europe.?

Europe. Please name the positives on living in Europe. My family seems to think Europe is such a horrible country and that USA is soo great. I've always wanted to move there; I'm in total love with the people and the countries. I'am half European finnish & dutch but my mom and dad seem still seem to think Europe sucks. Please name some good things about europe so I can shut them up. I'm running out of reasons why it's good..

Explain the benefits and drawbacks of casting your vote for a presidential candidate from a minor party?

As someone who has voted for a third party candidate twice, I did so because I didn't like either the Republican or Democratic candidate and I wanted to cast my vote for someone I could believe in. I do not regret either of those votes, even though I knew the third party candidate could not win. I'd rather support the losing side when it's right than the winning side when it's wrong.

How does clay become a hand material?

How does clay become a hand material? Cos i know that when it is raw clay, it is quite squishy and delicate. So how does it become the right consistancy for it to be clay and therefore allowing the person to mould it?

Ideas on a car for a tight buget?

okay so ive been in the market for a new car but since im heading off to college i dont have much of a pocket. ive been looking for a nissan 240sx but thier a bit old and cant find any in good shape up in new england in my range. i guess im looking for 6-8k. looking for somthing dependable but has real potential. Hoping to do a little time attack once i can put in the wrench time. so what should i be looking at? again i love the s13/s14 but dont have the money nor time to restore one. honda civic, or integra type r, acura rsx? not really honda fan. the subaru impreza wrx is nice but just out of reach. mitsubishi eclipse but from what i know thier engines arent the best, girly too. then theres the evo or lancer but again bit too high. toyota mr or celica (girly cars)? lol supra might be nice? any ideas? and no, not lookin for some ricy car. thankyou

Help? i wan to know if my sister is ok?

my sister lives in lone grove and was one of the victoms of the tornado. Im trying to find out if sh eis ok and have not got nay information does any one have any ideas on how i can find out if she is ok

Can anyone think of some questions about the show 'Being Human' I can ask? (For work experience)?

I am 15 years old and am doing my work experience next week with the BBC, working on the set of a show called Being Human. In order to express my interest in the show I tink I need to come up with some questions can ask while working there but my mind is blank, so I was wondering if anyone can think of any questions I could ask to any members of the cast or crew? It can be literally anything! Thank you so much in advance for any replies!!!

Chicken pox/shingle advice please...?

Well, you don't just get one shot like the babies do. They recommend that anyone over the age of 13 who hasn't had chicken pox get two shots, 28 days apart. Your mom has shingles because her body was not able to fully fight off the virus in the first place, and now it's woken up again. But unless you are helping with changing a bandage, chances are you aren't going to be exposed to it this time. There is also the chance you actually did have a mild case at some point, or you have some natural immunity to it. It's your call to take the vaccination or not. It won't hurt you, it might prevent you catching chicken pox in the future, and it would give you some peace of mind. Unfortunately it might not actually prevent you catching the disease either, although if you get chicken pox after immunization, you do tend to get a very mild case. If you have been exposed, from your mom, you won't have time to form the antibodies from the vaccination to help, unfortunately. I think your final decision really would have to depend on the amount of exposure you will get from your mom- and if breathing the air is it, you haven't much risk. It would probably be worth it to take, but just don't count on it sparing you entirely. And be prepared to take two shots, one now, one in 28 days, before you have the best immune response. If it were me, I think I might risk the shot, and hope for the best. Chicken pox as an adult just isn't that funny.

I'm American but I don't have a Birth Certificate?

I'm from the Aleutian Islands. Needless to say, most people there are a handful of Aleutian Natives who rarely ever really do any legal doenting. One island I grew up on, we only had one school and I've never heard of there being more than 15 children enrolled at one time. It's a small place where technology isn't an important thing. Anyway, my dad's family are Aleutians and we never registered my birth. I wasn't born in a hospital (or even in a city technically). When I was growing up, we rarely even spoke to the townspeople. The biggest industry there is commerical fishing and my dad's family doesn't like all the problems that the fishermen and we pretty much lived as traditional Aleutians. I've never attended school or anything like that. So anyway, I would like to go about getting out in the world now and I can't do anything without an SSN which I can't get without a birth certificate. I don't really know a lot about my parents. I know their names but that's pretty much it. I haven't seen my dad in a few years and I'm not really sure where he is right now. My mom is living with her family. I don't have any of their full names or my mom's maiden name. So I really have no information on them. I'm not even sure if they have SSN or birth certificates either. I'm also not sure if my father was born in Brazil or in the USA (he is half Brazilian/half Aleutian). Different family members say different things. I do know my mother was born in America. Will that affect me? What do I do to go about it?

Self-Publishing vs. Selling To A Publisher?

You get to keep the name of your novel when a publishing company publishes it. You could try talking to them about the cover. The cover can't have copyrighted pictures, and it needs to look professional :)

My relationships never seem to last, or even start for that matter...?

You're only 16, for Petes sake! Relationships are NOT meant to last when you're a teen. That's why you have to be at least 18 to marry.

What are those things that are squishy and you can slip your hand through?

Of all the things that ran through my head, i think Silly Bandz a href="http://www.sillybandz.com/" rel="nofollow"http://www.sillybandz.com//a might be the least objectionable answer. Not necessarily the *right* answer, but one that won't be censored.

Going to get Sims 3 Saturday! Eek! Could someone answer a few questions I have about it?

its a good game. but its a lot different than the sims 2, so some things i like better in this game and some things i like better in the other game... the only thing i wld think that wld make it lag is if your computer didnt have a lot of room on it or was older but other than that it should be fine... idk i think its a really good game and its deffinatly worth the buy

Comodo Antivirus help?

Is comodo anti virus beta 2 good. I am really talking about detection rates but gui and other important stuff matter too. I have avast, but i was hoping to complement it with comodo antvirus.

Does this series converge absolutely, converge, or diverge. Σ (-1)^(n+1))*(1/nln(n) where n=2, limit --> INFIN?

converges by Liebnitz' Test { alternating series } but not absolutely { use integral test to show divergence of the series of absolute value terms }

Reflexology or mage question?

My friend was telling me that since I give my girlfriend foot mages a lot of the times that I should look into reflexology because their are sensual parts on all womens feet as well as mens feet that have a sensual effect on all parts of the body, such as relaxation, excitement, even ual arousal. Is their truth to this and if so how do I know exactly what I'm doing during a foot mage? My friend said some women even get off ually on foot mages, which I find hard to believe, but OK. Lol. Anyways is any of that true and if so where can I find out more about that?

Looking for a pulley for a garden king rototiller?

The pulley is the drive pulley on the back of the engine It is 3 1/2 in dia also a 2 1/2 dia pulley all in one.where can i buy one and who makes this brand of rototiller.the model is 219-355-205 J198B if this helps thanks Larry

I want to get my toddlers IQ tested - how would I do that?

My daughter is 2 1/2 years old. She speaks in full sentances and her comprehension is phenominal. Just yesterday she corrected her own grammer. She is doing better with her colors and numbers than any other child of her age I have seen. But, maybe I've only known dumb kids? Lol. I would just like to see if she has some extra potential that I should be encouraging more than what I do. I want her to have every advantage if she can do it, and wants it. I mean I'm not going to push her too hard and then parade her around as I've seen done...I'm just kinda curious.

Have you ever smoked marijuana or ciggarettes what......?

Yes, i've smoked pot. It's really not as bad as people say. Sometimes you say stupid things and eat everything in the house but your are fully aware of what you are doing at the time. It's not like your going to go totally crazy but your judgment IS impaired.

How do you solve this ? [algebra]?

These are not inequalities. Inequalities are <,> not =. In the first prob. you plug -1 in for y and solve for x. The answer is a. -5. For number two plug each value in for x and y and see if the equation holds true. The answer for this one is D.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I have 3 red bellied piranhas that grew up together one was injured? do i put it back in the tank?

Hello I have 3 red bellied piranhas in a 55 gallon. Frst I know that the tank is a little small so I am upgrading it to a 75 gallon soon. But in the meen time I had the piranhas in the tank for a year and a half. They were doing fine until recently the smaller piranha (is a little smaller than the other two but you wouldn't really notice unless u actually pointed it out) git stuck under a log I had in the tank and his tail was bitten at( because he was stuck) pretty bad and his one eye was injured very bad and seemed as if it was going to fall off. I took him out and put him in my 30 gallon hospital tank and am currently using melafix I believe that's what it is called to treat his wounds his eye looks A LOT better but I don't think he can see from that one eye and his tail is still pretty bad but has healed a little and I am planning on keeping him in the hospital tank until he is completely healed. After he is healed I want to put him back in again with the other two and I removed the log. How should I put him back in? I thought of an idea that might work its to separate the other two a couple days prior to puting the other piranha back In with a tank divider so they arnt used to eachother when I put my other piranha in the tank I will take out the separator and let them reunite so not one piranha will be the "new" piranha so the other two won't gang up on the one piranha. Any other ideas or help? Do u think my idea will work? Please help me out on this thanku by the way the piranhas are about 5 inches and like I said before I will upgrade when I got the money to. Thanku for your help any help is appreciated!

Are these subs good? Amp Included?

This is a good starter system and or budget system. Not gonna make you go deaf, but if you just want some extra bump, they will do the trick.

CCTV Drainage Surveys?

in most places yes, there are land surveys of some kind to make sure your not in a flood plane, burn zone, aircraft approach airspace and a list of other thing but it all depends on your local state and county codes. go talk to the local county clerks office for your local laws.

My First Baby's 1st Birthday?

Don't plan too much. You don't want to overwhelm her. I know it's important to you, but the more you stress over it, the more stressed she'll be. You don't want her throwing fits from being tired over all the activities. Go for a pinata, for the older kids, she'd probably like to watch that. Bubble machines are great for all ages, too. You could have a big bucket full of bubble solution with lots of bubble blowers for the kids to use, your little one will love to watch! Then you could give the pinata goodies and a little bubble solution to everyone to take home!

How to get rid of bugs living in a book?

I have a bunch of small black beetles living in a very important encyclopedia of mine. I found them when I wanted to look through it, and they're all over inside the book. They were living in it when it was closed tightly, so i cant try stomping them out. Bug spray is not an option cause I don't want to ruin the book. What other options are there?


my baby boy guinea pig is 7 weeks old. today right now he had a watery squishy poop. what should i do? should i give him a bath? and i have to leave tonight for three hours so should i stay home and watch him? im really scared i already lost many animals even though i educate so much before i get the animal! please help me! anything will work!!!!

Avengers vs Green Lantern Corp?

Much as I hate to admit it, the entire Green Lantern Corp would have the Avengers outnumbered and outgunned. The only chance the Avengers would have would be to destroy the enormous Central Lantern on Oa, which is the source of power for all of the Green Lanterns (Alan Scott excepted), but by the time they figured that out, it would probably be too late. Given a decent writer, the Avengers might stand a chance, but in terms of sheer power and overwhelming numbers the Green Lantern Corp would have a distinct advantage and would win out. The Avengers, however, would put up a heck of a fight.

Anyone Else Hate Doing High School Science Labs?

I do good in my science cles when it comes to individual work/reading/homework, but when it comes to hands-on work, I'm always the slowest in the group! I'm constantly having to ask my group questions, like "Oh, what are we supposed to do" "What is this used for?" "What was the measurement for whatever" "How do I set this up?" "Should I do this"? I don't know what it is, everyone else seems so much more take-charge than me, and I'm kind of sitting around writing down what everyone else is writing, not participating at all. Consequently, I am excluded and no one has me do anything. l try talking but l am always ignored and it makes me so angry. Not to mention lm very shy and someone that l used to have a crush on is there too and also ignores me. l miss a lot of lab cles because of this crap even though l need labs to p. Did anyone else hate their lab cl?

Weird problem involving Parents and Cats?

Ok well I used to like cats and animals in general, but now I HATE them, especially cats.Ok well I have a problem that has been here for the longest time, but I have never really addressed it formally to my parents. I've vented to them out of anger, but nothing has happened. I want to get rid of all the cats in our house, but they WILL NOT allow it. So tell me, do you think it is weird to have 7 inside cats and about 20+ cats living in a garage???? I think it is absolutley morbid and disgusting to have that. And selfish. I don't have it in me to kill any of them, but I can't stand it anymore. I just can't wait until I leave for college. Over the years, I have gotten fleas and have trouble with asthma, but they don't care. Their urine really makes it hard to breath sometimes. And my mom is allergic to them, but she still wants them here because they, "bring joy." Is there anything i can do, this problem is way out of control and is long over due.

I'm looking for talent scouts, modeling agencies, acting schools &/or any auditions for my 4yr old son.?

Any preferences, suggestions, recommendations, or any knowledge of where to start? And I'm willing to travel if necessary. My 4yr old son wants to be an actor. He loves watching shows like Sesame St., everything on Sprout, Nick Jr., cartoon network, and all kinds of movies. He loves to re-enact little skits from shows' he seen, dances and sing songs. Even commercials enlighten him. Any think a kid does on T.V., he will do it too.

Is an electric fireplace worth it econmically?

Electric fireplaces are very economical. They cost less to run than gas or wood, about 10x less. They can provide supplemental heat for a room up to 20x20. Here's a link to a place that sells electric fireplaces, you can get more info there. http://www.quicksupply.net/s-12-electric-fireplaces.aspx