Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Alright well i just want to know if this is normal might be a little TMI sorry?

Alright well me and my husband have been bickering back and for the last 2 weeks (im 6 weeks preg) and its mostly due to my crabbyness right now me and hubby had and well he "finished" before me and i didnt get to "finish" which pissed me off more than ever and i was flipping out and said he didnt care about me and stuff (which isnt really how i feel now it was just my hormones talking i think) and told him that he makes me feel like im being used as some toy and tossed away idk i was being really emotional. Well he got up and went and slept on the couch and everytime i kept begging him to come back he told me to shut up!!! which really pissed me off im not that kinda girl to just get told to shut up and sit there and take it he wont talk to me at all. I just dont know he doesnt understand why im being like this i told him its cuz of my hormones but he just doesnt understand how do i make him understand that my hormones are at a lifetime time high right now and im not always in control of my emotions? idk everytime i explain it to him he compares me to his sister when she was preg and how im the only girl that acts like that he keeps upsetting me and doesnt care! and its annoying me to no other.

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