Saturday, November 12, 2011

Is the EPL Homegrown rule bad news for Barca?

His father and family are with him in London or wherever his is holidaying now... and if I remember my science right that is what is in his DNA not Barcelona. Cesc Fabregas will leave Arsenal at some point of his career but right now, Arsenal have him singed until 2015, this wasn't done with force, this wasn't done with blackmail or tapping up the player. He has a signed contract, as much as those contracts are meaningless these days, Cesc still has not submitted a transfer request, Arsenal do not want to sell. And if you have ever bought something that the seller didn't want to sell you either don't get what you want... or you end up paying a lot more then it is worth to change the mind of the seller to part with what he/she has.

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