Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ladies......why did he ask this?

i have been casually seeing this guy for 16 months,lets call him mr a.a few weeks back i told him i had met someone else,lets call him mr a's first reaction to the news was silence then it was like 'ok,right,well congratulations then'.me and mr c had a a insisted on me telling him everything,listing kindly and attentive answering 'sometimes guys say things they don't mean,i know your hurt but maybe you should call him.'things between me and mr c didn't work out,at the time mr a questioned me on everything as to why it didn't work.then today a few weeks later mr a out of nowhere asked me what was the story with me and mr c,had he been in touch.was mr a jealous that i had met someone else????was he glad it didn't work out????was did he ask if i had heard from him????was he thinking about it????a lot of questions i know but im so confused!!!!thanks in advance xxxxx.

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