Sunday, November 6, 2011

Weird problem involving Parents and Cats?

Ok well I used to like cats and animals in general, but now I HATE them, especially cats.Ok well I have a problem that has been here for the longest time, but I have never really addressed it formally to my parents. I've vented to them out of anger, but nothing has happened. I want to get rid of all the cats in our house, but they WILL NOT allow it. So tell me, do you think it is weird to have 7 inside cats and about 20+ cats living in a garage???? I think it is absolutley morbid and disgusting to have that. And selfish. I don't have it in me to kill any of them, but I can't stand it anymore. I just can't wait until I leave for college. Over the years, I have gotten fleas and have trouble with asthma, but they don't care. Their urine really makes it hard to breath sometimes. And my mom is allergic to them, but she still wants them here because they, "bring joy." Is there anything i can do, this problem is way out of control and is long over due.

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